Digital Curb Sample

In partnership with BetaNYC, Open Plans developed a sample of what an accessible digital curb could look like. Using the tool below, you can view the curb use makeup of two streets — one residential and one commercial.

By clicking on the tool, you can change the street, day of the week, and time to view what regulations and uses are on a particular street at a particular time. The pie chart is dynamic, and can be filtered to view the “Overview” of uses based on categories developed in our report, or a detailed view where each use and regulation is listed.

The sample uses the city-led Open Mobility Foundation’s Curb Data Specification (OMF, CDS), a standard used by a number of the country’s leaders in curb management. OMF stewards and develops CDS alongside its public and private members in order to ensure it works for all parties. By using CDS internally and with vendors, cities can digest and process information easier, allowing for better management and insights.

Our sample is designed to show cities where to start when imagining what a digital curb could look like with the public in mind. Its interface is simple to understand and read, defined by block segments and a digestible pie chart. Such a tool can be useful for advocacy and understanding of what happens at the curb, and allow for better understanding between all curb stakeholders. Instead of requiring background knowledge of code, APIs, and other technical elements, cities should work to create a tool that can be understood and used by all to facilitate more efficient, safe, and joyful curb uses.

This project is made in collaboration with