Meet our 2024 summer interns

It’s time to welcome another season of summer interns to Open Plans! This year we’re lucky to have six bright students with us. They’re working with staff members on individual projects and diving right into our work creating more safe, livable, joyful streets.

Learn more below about our 2024 interns, what they’re studying and what they value about public spaces here and afar. And say hi next time you see them at a rally or an Open Street!

What year are you in at school, and what is your major or concentration?

Emily I just recently graduated from Columbia University with my Master of Science in Urban Planning with a concentration in International Planning/Development and the Built Environment.

Matthew I recently graduated from CUNY Hunter with a masters in urban planning.

Ghuncha I just finished my first year and heading into my second year at Pratt Institute’s MS in Urban Placemaking program.

Gladys I’m a first year MA student at Fordham University and I’m studying Urban Studies.

Wil I am an Undergraduate senior, majoring in Urban Sustainability with a concentration in economics.

Jada I have just completed my first year in the Master in Urban Planning program at Harvard University Graduate School of Design.

What’s your favorite neighborhood or public space in New York City?

Emily My favorite place in New York City is Little Island, a visual marvel seemingly floating on the Hudson River. As someone from Virginia, where greenery is abundant, its lush landscape is a comforting reminder of home. My favorite spot is a central seat in its amphitheater area. It feels like a riverside oasis, offering stunning views and a peaceful ambiance.

Matthew My favorite public space is Green-Wood Cemetery… it’s not as weird as it sounds. Green-Wood is one of the most naturally beautiful patches of NYC, it’s full of (weird) history, and puts on some awesome free programming!

Ghuncha I find myself going to Fort Greene park a lot. It clears my head, I sketch a lot there, and I always have interesting conversations with strangers there. It’s lush and close for me to get to. My friends gave me this one advice: find yourself a park to go to everytime you feel homesick.

Gladys My favorite public space in NYC is St. Vincent’s Triangle in Greenwich Village which is also the NYC AIDS Memorial Park. A portion of the triangle is under a beautiful white triangular public art piece/canopy. It’s a great spot to rest and as a public art fan I find myself under the canopy a lot.

Wil This list changes every day with so many great public spaces in New York City! Right now I’m partial to waking up early and biking over to Plumb Beach to watch the sunrise, or sitting down on any bench to watch the people in the city.

Jada Not sure yet! I just moved here about a week ago. I'm excited to figure out the answer to this question as I do some exploring over the summer. Recommendations are gladly welcomed!

Do you have a favorite neighborhood or public space somewhere else in the world?

Emily My favorite public space in the world, thus far, is Caló des Moro in southeast Mallorca, Spain, nestled in a deep turquoise bay, flanked by towering limestone cliffs. I visited this place with eight of my closest friends during my study abroad in Spain, a period of profound reflection for me. It was this trip that I realized the boundless possibilities in life and the world. The ability to travel to this small yet stunning corner of the world and immerse myself in the beauty of Earth filled me with immense gratitude.

Matthew Outside NYC I lived for a period in London so I also have a soft spot for the Southbank and the Thames Path bike routes. Google “mudlarking” and you’ll know why.

Ghuncha Old City and Saddar bazaar in Peshawar. It is brimming with street food and generous street vendors who let you have food for free if you’re new to the city or if you have established a good relationship with them over the years. Saddar means the chest/heart of the city. This public space is surrounded by Peshawar’s heritage buildings and sites and has a lot of character.

Gladys I took a trip to Geneva, Switzerland last summer to visit friends and I appreciated seeing the active enjoyment of public space in Swiss culture. Parc Mon Repos was my favorite park there. It's gorgeous and swimming in Lake Geneva is a must when it's warm. 

Wil Any place with a pedestrian space! I loved walking around the center of Berlin, The Commons in downtown Ithaca, or strolling down the Champs-Élysées on my honeymoon.

Jada My favorite public space is Retiro Park in Madrid. The landscape and life there are so inviting! One of my favorite things was the library and art gallery in the park.

What do you like to do in your free time?

Emily I love to read and share my thoughts on the books I’ve read on my bookstagram. I’m also a travel enthusiast, having explored 13 countries and counting! When I'm not jet-setting, you can find me in a workout class, such as hot yoga, adding some zen to my adventurous life.

Matthew In my free time I'm rooting for NYC’s various doomed sports teams, I also make a point to go to at least one museum a month, and sometimes I help out at a wine bar in on the Lower East Side.

Ghuncha I like to sketch in public spaces and take photographs, sometimes urban photography, sometimes astrophotography.

Gladys In my free time I enjoy exploring the city’s parks, playing tennis, trying different restaurants, going to the movies, and taking advantage of all the museums and arts spaces in the city.

Wil I love riding my bike, playing board games, and hanging out at the beach!

Jada I love to thrift (a little too much!), explore the city, visit museums and galleries, and check out music venues. If the weather is nice, you'll find me outside reading or having a picnic in the park.

What excites you about interning at Open Plans this summer?

Emily Exploring urban mobility and transportation planning is a new and exciting opportunity for me, as these topics weren't deeply covered in my graduate studies. I'm particularly intrigued by the intersection of transportation and climate change, a topic I'm passionate about. I'm eager to delve into how these fields intersect and how effective transportation planning can address climate change. I also look forward to seeing how research in this area influences policy and leads to tangible changes in New York City communities. Joining the Policy Team at Open Plans is an opportunity for me to contribute meaningfully to this field, and I'm enthusiastic about the impact we can make together!

Matthew I’m excited to work on creating more joyful public spaces and to be on the ground and in the streets applying the theory and knowledge I gained in school. I’m beyond excited to learn from the team of proven advocates and researchers here at OP and absorb their experience and expertise.

Ghuncha Getting to practically apply what I am learning in the placemaking program like engaging in various community engagements and working alongside great mentors and other interns on key advocacy projects. I like that it is so collaborative!

Gladys I’m excited to be immersed in the School Streets program and to connect with communities that are facing certain challenges with their open streets.

Wil I’m excited to intern at Open Plans to learn about tactical urbanism, find more practical usage for our street spaces, and seeing parts of the city that are new to me.

Jada I'm very excited to learn how to transform streets into vibrant hubs of learning, engaging, and building community. As someone who loves working with kids, I'm excited to work on urban planning projects that help shape and adapt the built environment to their needs.


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